If you have ever been curious about beekeeping, an introductory course in Frome Town Centre this February will equip you with the basics to get started.
The course, run by the Frome Beekeepers Association, consists of five evening sessions followed by practical visits to look inside hives.
“From earliest times, humans have harvested delicious honey from hives,” explained one of the organisers, John Plaxton.
“Initially, hollowed-out tree trunks and straw skeps were used, but modern beekeeping now uses hives of all shapes and designs. This fascinating pursuit is enjoyed by many people locally. There is nothing better than being at one with your bees on a warm spring afternoon, watching them come and go, busy in their work.
“However, it is not something to take on lightly; there is a lot to learn to keep your bees healthy and safe. This is why the Frome Beekeepers Association offers an Introduction to Beekeeping course: five weekly sessions starting on Wednesday, 19th February, followed by the opportunity to look inside hives in the spring.”
Full details can be found at fbka.co.uk or by emailing John at fbkachair@gmail.com