A FREE week-long Sports Festival is coming to Frome this week.
Staring at 10 a.m. on 28th April with the multi-activity Sports Festival Day itself at Victoria Park, the excitement runs every day in different locations around Frome with the final sessions taking place on 6th May at the Sport and Fitness Centre.
Taking place throughout the town, including at the Canoe Club, the Cheese and Grain and Oakfield Academy as well as Victoria Park and the Sports Centre, this multi-event festival offers taster sessions, at no cost, in a wealth of activities including zorb ball racing, a climbing wall, basketball, triathlon, boccia, tennis, archery, cricket, football, community games, aerobics, swimming and inflatables in the pool, hockey, a health-walk on Monday 29th April and even a Junior Triathlon.
The event is organised by Purple Elephant Productions, the people who bring to the town such events as the Frome Children’s Festival, the Toy Library and, at the end of the year, the Christmas Party
Sponsored by Lettings-R-Us and the People’s Postcode Lottery, alongside the festival’s partnership with Frome Town Council and with thanks to the those who joined the fundraising bingo, kindly hosted by Frome Town Football Club, all the activities are offered at no cost. If you are a local company or work in the area, the festival organisers welcome your approaches for any local sponsorship to ensure this extraordinary opportunity can also be offered again next year. They hope you will be inspired by this year’s offerings.
Details of all venues and timings for Sports Festival events can be found on posters around town, leaflets in all local schools and on the organiser’s website at: fromechildrensfestival.org/sports-festival/