The people of Frome have responded magnificently to appeals to help those caught up in the devastating Haiti earthquake.
Following the major earthquake which struck Haiti on 12th January just ten miles from the capital city of Port-au-Prince, a major international relief project is underway, with humanitarian charities pulling together to get aid to those in need.
Frome people have been doing their bit by donating money to appeals in the town.
On Saturday, the Rotary Club of Frome, Frome Inner Wheel and the Rotary Club of Frome Selwood joined forces to collect donations in both the town centre and at the Asda Superstore for the victims of last week’s earthquake. The collection raised a staggering £5,000.
Speaking on behalf of the Rotary Club of Frome, Ron Crossman said, “As usual, the people of Frome did not disappoint. £1,000 of the money will go to the Red Cross and £4,000 to the Disasters Emergency Committee, with a proviso that it is spent for the benefit of the people of Haiti.”
The Disasters Emergency Committee is an umbrella organisation which launches and coordinates responses to major disasters overseas. It enables the British public to donate to British aid agencies.
Dot Cretney, chair of the Rotary’s international services committee, said she would like to thank all those who donated so generously.
“The people of Frome do tend to be generous with appeals like this,” said Dot. “The response was absolutely amazing and we are very grateful to the people of Frome for their generosity. We are also grateful to those who helped out, including Mendip District Council which rushed through the licence for us to collect, Kay Chapman from Westway precinct and Pang Properties of the Kingsway precinct who allowed us to collect there.
“Also Asda for allowing us to collect outside the store, as well as the collectors themselves who did a great job.”
Frome’s Oxfam shop has also been welcoming donations which will go towards relief work the charity is carrying out in Haiti. Sue Merrill, manager of the shop said, “We began collecting for the Haiti appeal on Friday and we have taken about £400 already, which is a really good amount for us.”
• You can donate to the Disasters Emergency Committee by calling 0370 60 60 900, or by logging on to or by sending a cheque made payable to DEC HAITI EARTHQUAKE to DEC HAITI EARTHQUAKE, PO BOX 999, LONDON, EC3A 3AA.
All donations will go towards providing food, shelter, health services and relief work to the country.
Pictured: Oxfam manager Sue Merrill and volunteer Simon Calverley.