Members of St John Ambulance are well known for the hours they spend each year ensuring public events are safe, and Frome’s own branch of the national charity has members who have dedicated hundreds of hours to the cause.
Many people will recognise the black and white uniform worn by the small band of volunteers, who attend numerous community events in the town throughout the year.
St John Ambulance is the leading first aid training provider in the UK and the third largest youth organisation.
St John Ambulance was first established in 1938 at Willow Vale, in Frome. The division moved to their present headquarters, 17 Bath Street in 1945/6.
At the moment the Frome division has 15 adult members who completed 5,000 voluntary hours between them last year. The range of duties include motor-cross, gymkhanas, the Frome Show, school fetes, village shows and carnivals, all of which could not take place without the presence of St John Ambulance volunteers.
The Frome Quadrilateral Division consists of Badgers 4 -10yrs, Cadets 10 -18yrs, and Adults 18+.
The division has one front line ambulance, which was bought by the fundraising achieved by members, and a First Aid post which was kindly donated to St John Ambulance by the Frome Carnival committee.
The St John Ambulance vision is that everyone who needs it should receive first aid from those around them. No-one should suffer for the lack of trained first aiders.
To date the division has had five serving brothers and sisters who have been nominated by the council of St John. This is given in recognition of voluntary service and hours
The Frome division is always looking for new members and it can offer first aid training. The group provides an ideal opportunity to make new friends and learn new skills, but also to have fun whilst learning.
The adults meet on a Monday night 8.00pm at 17 Bath Street Frome. For further details contact the adults’ divisional superintendant. Tony May 01373 469689 or email at
• Do you know of an unsung hero in Frome? If so, contact The Frome Times on 01373 452109 or email frometimes@