Women of all ages are signing up for the 2010 Dorothy House Midnight Walk, with numbers already up on last year.
Women from across Wiltshire and Somerset are taking part for a second, third or even fourth time – many walking in memory of a friend or relative cared for by the Winsley-based hospice.
Event organiser Phillippa Watson said, “We’re delighted with the initial response to our appeal for walkers. We’re already ahead of where we were this time last year. But we still have some way to go to hit our target of at least 1,500 walkers – so come on, ladies, get your trainers on and help us make this yet another record-breaking event.”
The Midnight Walk, now in its fourth year, is the hospice’s biggest fundraising event. Last year’s walk brought in £120,000, with nearly 1,000 women taking part.
This year’s event, on Saturday, 11th September, will start at the stroke of midnight from a new venue, Bath’s new SouthGate shopping centre, where walkers will be able to park their cars free of charge.
The Midnight Walk is open to women aged 16 or over on 11th September. The entry fee is £10 per person. For an entry form, or more details, call fundraising on 01225 721480 or download a form from www.dorothyhouse.co.uk
There is no minimum fundraising amount specified, but the walk’s success relies on everyone raising sponsorship so people are asked to raise as much as they possibly can. The £10 registration fee only covers the organisational and administration costs of the event.
Although the walk itself is for women only, men are most welcome to take part as marshals on the night. Call fundraising to find out more.