As a new school year starts many people will be trying things for the first time.
NHS Blood and Transplant (NHSBT) are hoping that giving blood will be one of them.
With blood in constant demand new donors are always needed but figures show that only 4% of the eligible population donate regularly. First time donation nerves can hold people back so recruits are being asked to think about their first day of school for inspiration.
Fay Simcox from NHSBT said, “We all rely on the fantastically dedicated donors to keep the hospitals stocked up. But every day some of those loyal people will find out they have to stop donating temporarily or permanently. Given it’s a time of year when many will be trying new experiences, we’re asking new donors to come forward and see how easy it is to save a life.”
The process is simple. You will be given a questionnaire to fill in about your health, medical history, travel history and lifestyle. There’s a quick finger prick check of your iron levels and providing everything is fine you can make your donation which takes no more than 15 minutes. Then on to the all important refreshments. From start to finish it should take around an hour.
Anyone aged between 17-65, weighing more than 50 kg (7 stone 12lbs) and in general good health could potentially start saving lives by becoming a blood donor. There is no upper age limit for donors who have donated in the last two years. For more information or to book an appointment, call 0300 123 23 23 or visit
The next session in Frome is on Tuesday 7th September at The Assembly Rooms, Christchurch Street West, 13:15 to 15:15 and 16:45 to 19:15.