The first book to tell the story of the Frome hoard, one of the largest Roman coin hoards ever found in Britain, is to be published in November.
This will be the first book on the hoard which was discovered in a field near Frome. ‘The Frome Hoard’ has been printed with the generous support of local Frome-based printers, Butler, Tanner & Dennis. The book has been written by Sam Moorhead, Anna Booth and Roger Bland.
‘The Frome Hoard’ tells the story of the discovery, describes the fascinating collection of coins which were uncovered and offers an initial interpretation of the treasure, and its significance. Close-up photographs show intricate details of the coins.
Dave Crisp found 21 coins while metal detecting on farmland near Frome in April. Two days later he returned to the site and discovered a huge pot filled with over 52,000 coins.
Archaeologists now believe that these coins will re-write the history books. One of the largest Roman coin hoards ever to be found in Britain, the Frome hoard contains a group of coins of Carausius, the first Roman emperor ever to strike coins in Britain.
Among the discovery are more than 760 of Carausius’ coins and five rare examples of his silver denarii, the only coins of their type being struck anywhere in the Roman Empire at the time.
2,000 people took the opportunity to view some of the haul at Frome Library and meet Dave Crisp in July.
50p from the sale of every book will go to the Frome Hoard appeal fund. It is hoped that the Museum of Somerset will be able to eventually acquire the hoard and a fundraising drive has been launched.
The three authors all bring together fields of expertise. Sam Moorhead is National Finds Adviser for Iron Age and Roman coins in the department of Portable Antiquities and Treasure at the British Museum.
Anna Booth is Somerset County Council’s finds liaison officer, and worked on the excavation of the hoard.
Roger Bland is head of portable antiquities and treasure at the British Museum. He is the co-author of The Staffordshire Hoard (British Museum Press).