Members of the public have been in touch with the Mayor of Frome, Cllr Helen Sprawson-White recently about their worry that levels of policing in Frome are going to be reduced.
Cllr Helen Sprawson-White said, “Local traders and residents have reported a rise in petty crime in recent weeks, including garage break-ins, lead being stolen from shop fronts and damage to cars. This is happening at the same time as Somerset County Council has decided this week to remove support for 10 PCSOs across the county.
“The work that the PCSOs do in not just dealing with crime, but more importantly working with the community to prevent it, is invaluable, and we are anxious that the county cuts may effect PCSO numbers in Frome. I’ve been listening to local people and I am very concerned that Frome maintains its current level of policing and especially retains our excellent PCSOs. Clearly in this current climate we have to decide what we in Frome can do for ourselves.
“As a result I have placed this issue on the agenda of the next full council meeting on 24th November and urge local people to come along in order to discuss possible options. If people can’t come along they can send their views to me by email, by post or via my Facebook page – Frome Mayor.”
Town council officers are meeting with Frome’s police inspector to discuss the implications of the county council funding cut.
Cllr Sprawson-White’s email address is and her telephone number is 07860 414552.