Another fantastic charity evening was held at Frome Football Club on 5th December.
Over 100 people danced the night away to 60s, 70s and 80s music provided by Pete Dayman Johns.
A total of over £1,500 was raised and will be donated to Cancer Research UK.
The organisers say, “A big thank you to Martin Vining (chairman and trustee of Age Concern Frome) for the very generous donation of £700, being excess funds due to the unfortunate closure of the Frome branch. Also to Pete Dayman Johns who provided his time for free and also Frome Football Club for the use of the hall.
“The next event will be held on Saturday 5th March 2011 at the same venue with music being provided by The Sneakers (back by popular demand!).”
For more information contact Ruth Travis on 01373 300932 or 07835 000260.