FilmFrome – part of Frome Festival – has recently made donations of money raised at last year’s Frome Festival film preview, ‘Toy Story 3’, to local charities.
Harry’s Hydro has received the bulk of the donation – £950 – with Positive Action on Cancer receiving £400 for their children’s services, and the Frome Toy Library and the children’s Carnival Club receiving £125 each.
Harry’s Hydro chair of trustees Paula Fox, and trustee Helen Woodhead, received the donation from Nicki Grant from FilmFrome at the pool building site next to Critchill School on Thursday 7th July.
Paula said she was thrilled to receive the donation, which will go towards completion and fitting out of this much needed local facility.
The building has just been roofed in, and the next phase will be fitting out the interior, tiling the pool and floors and installing pool and heating equipment. The pool is expected to be ready in the late autumn.
Harry’s Hydro is a specialist hydrotherapy and sensory centre for the use of special needs groups in the community, including children at Critchill School, and the facility will also be available for use by baby and toddler groups. Harry’s Hydro is still actively fund raising to enable completion of the specialist installations and site works. For more information, go on-line to
Nicki Grant of FilmFrome said, “Frome Festival is very pleased to be able to make such significant donations to these exceptional local children’s organisations and thank all those who have come to the previews over the past few years for their support.
“The festival would also like to thank Disney Pixar for their continued support of the festival, and Martina O’Connor and all those at the Westway Cinema, for running these events. Over the past nine years, these film previews have raised over £5,000 for Frome-based children’s charities.”