FROME charity PAC (Positive Action on Cancer) recently welcomed Angela Yeoman OBE as patron of the charity, who has immediately shown her support to their new legacy appeal.
The board of trustees and director at PAC are delighted to welcome Angela as a patron and believe that she can offer great support to the work of the charity. Angela has already started to promote the charity’s new legacy appeal and said “I am very happy to support PAC, it is such a worthwhile charity.”
Kelly Hall, fundraiser at PAC said, “Our legacy appeal encourages supporters to pledge a gift to the charity in their will. This is a wonderful way to help the charity continue supporting families in the future. Our counsellors make a real difference to people’s lives, providing vital support through the trauma of cancer.”
PAC currently is the only organisation to offer a free counselling service to both adults and children affected or bereaved by cancer and other life threatening illnesses in BANES, Somerset and West Wilts.
If you would like a copy of the new Wills leaflet or would like to discuss the possibility of leaving a gift to PAC in your Will please contact fundraiser Kelly Hall on 01373 455255 or by emailing fundraising@
Pictured left to right Kelly Hall, Mrs Angela Yeoman OBE and Mary Taylor launching the Wills Leaflet