OVER £100,000 has been raised for Frome man, Jamie Mines, after he lost both hands and a foot in a freak accident at work in December.
Jamie, a scaffolder, footballer and father-of-two, was seriously injured before Christmas by an electric shock while working in Swindon, where he currently lives.
Jamie is still in hospital recovering, but thousands of people across the country – and as far afield as Australia – have come together to raise over £100,000 to donate to him and his family.
A family fun day is being held at Frome Football Club on Sunday 19th March to boost the fund.
Jamie’s friend, Ian Kennedy, started the fundraiser in December with a target of £10,000. After finding out Jamie had to have three amputations, Ian upped the target to £100,000, and has so far raised over £104,000.
Ian said, “I’m overwhelmed by the amount of money that has been raised, and by the fantastic support. It’s a huge amount and I think it’ll keep going; it’s just the start of the help Jamie will receive from everyone around him.”
The fundraiser was spread widely online – it has been shared over 7,000 times on Facebook – and football legends including Alan Shearer, Michael Owen and David Seaman have all sent video messages of support.
Friends, family, strangers, businesses and sports clubs from Frome, Somerset and beyond have held events and donated cash to the pot. Just last week, Gordon Taylor OBE, chief executive of the Professional Footballers’ Association and former premiership player, personally donated £1,000.
Ian says Jamie is still in isolation and recovering, but can communicate and has sent an email thanking him for starting the fundraiser.
Ian added, “Jamie’s got a long road ahead of him but he’s got so much determination and personality, I think he’ll be alright. He’s got his two girls for inspiration and, from what I hear from his brother, he is being positive about moving forward.
“I think so many people have gotten involved because it was such a freak accident. It happened just before Christmas and his daughters had just been born – the story has really touched people because it’s so horrific for him and his family.”
The event on fundraising fun day in Frome on 19th March will be open to everyone and will have family fun activities, food stalls and a football tournament, with 12 teams taking part. Entry will be by donation.
Ian said, “Everything’s coming together nicely for the fun day. We’d love to see loads of people come along and get involved. A lot of the money raised has come from people in Frome and I don’t know if it would have been as successful anywhere else.”
To donate to the fund go to www.gofundme.com/raising-money-for-jamie-mines or visit the ‘Raising money for Jamie Mines’ Facebook page.