OVER the past two wintery months, there has been two contrasting talks for Frome Selwood Horticultural Society (FSHS) members, one on ‘weaving willow into our lives’, with the onus from Mary Cross of Organic Matters in Nunney, on sustainable living; the other on roses, with the ebullient Micky Little of Avon Bulbs describing ‘my journey to and from work, in roses’.
There is much to entice, and much more to enjoy and take away, all at the Frome Selwood Horticultural Society monthly meetings.
Mary described Salix and its over 400 varieties as medicinal, nourishment as willow tea, as natural garden support both artistically and commercially, as transport in coracles and even as a reserved occupation in WW1, as willow growers were essential to produce baskets for carrier pigeons, or air balloons, as they could be dropped from a great height and not break. Sweden use willow as a biofuel, while England use cracked willow for cricket bats.
The art of willow however, starts with the growing and annual coppicing, to preserve the luminosity of colour and flexibility. Cutting and conditioning of the willow is dependent on the type, from green to white to bough willow, and the end result of her craft is something of beauty to behold, let alone the natural beauty of a growing willow arch, and the catkins of spring, and the many living willow projects. To learn more, contact Mary on Organic Matters, and read the book ‘Willow’ by Somerset artist and willow craftswoman, Kate Lynch to be further inspired.
If inspiration for roses was needed, turn no further than to Micky Little, plantsman extraordinaire with a CV that has taken him from Cannington to National Trust gardens, from Hestercombe to the Western Isles. His quirky take on roses was his imaginary journey to and from work and all the roses he saw en-route. A whistle-stop tour-de-force of heritage, form, growing conditions, genus, species and cultivar left us taking breath and hoping that we may, just for once, get our pruning right! Micky was flamboyant in his attitude: cut it hard, as long as it is not below the ground!
The FSHS enjoyed monthly meetings, for a talk, raffle and tea, always in good company, on the second Tuesday of the month at Critchill School, Frome, BA11 4LD. 7.15pm for prompt 7.30pm start. Visitors welcome.
Please contact Jane Norris on jane.norris9@gmail.com or 0777 6208531 for more information.