LOCAL author, Justin Newland, will be visiting Frome Library to talk about his new novel, ‘The Genes of Isis’ on Saturday 22nd September, from 11am to 12.30pm.
The novel is an epic fantasy and supernatural thriller set under ancient Egyptian skies and weaves together two threads; the story of the flood in the Book of Genesis and the myth of Isis and Osiris.
The event is free, so come along and join the discussion.
‘The Genes of Isis’ is Justin’s first novel. His second novel, ‘The Old Dragon’s Head’, is an epic tale of war and religion set in old China and is due to be published in November. His work in progress is a novel set in Frederick the Great’s Prussia during the Enlightenment.
His stories add a touch of the supernatural to history and deal with the existential themes of war, religion, evolution and the human’s place in the universe.
For more information visit www.justinnewland .com.