Recently, the 50th anniversary of the iconic Bond film, On Her Majesty’s Secret Service, was celebrated by stars and fans alike. And joining the celebrations were Bond himself, George Lazenby, and Frome’s very own local ‘Bond girl’, Sylvana Henriques, who was one of Blofeld’s Angels of Death – the Jamaican Girl.
Sylvana joined with other stars of the film including Catherine Schell, Jenny Hanley, Helena Ronee, Terence Mountain and others for the celebrations, held in the film’s stunning locations of Estoril, Portugal, and on top of the iconic mountain at Piz Gloria, The Schilthorn, Switzerland, where much of the dramatic action of the film was set.
Frome Times had the honour of interviewing Sylvana on her return, after she had spent a frenetic time in both Portugal and Switzerland.
Sylvana, former fashion model, who now lives locally near Frome, was scouted to attend casting for OHMSS, but, as she arrived without any photographs she was rejected. Fate though, intervened and she was introduced to Warren Beatty, who was filming Kaleidoscope in London at the time. She then bumped into Warren in a discotheque, wearing an incredible red sheath dress and he invited her on set, so long as she wore the same dress! When she was spotted in a scene from that film she was instantly cast as the Jamaican girl in OHMSS.
“The reunion was more than nostalgic; seeing film locations and reuniting with fellow actors, stuntmen and the director,” she told Philippa Kaye speaking to her on behalf of the Frome Times. “It was a chance to meet so many fans, from so many countries, who have been entranced by On Her Majesty’s Secret Service.
“The many compliments the fans expressed showed me that the film had a lasting effect on them, and they were just so pleased to be together with cast and crew on the various panoramic film locations.”
Sylvana was particularly impressed by the fans’ knowledge of her film career and their enthusiasm in meeting her.
“The face that attracted so much interest has barely changed in 50 years, and her striking looks changed her fortune,” said Philippa. “Following on from OHMSS, Sylvana was also the silhouette from the fan dance in the opening credits for You Only Live Twice and she and Sean Connery became good friends from that time on. She also appeared in Deadlier Than the Male, Doctor in Trouble, The Bliss of Mrs Blossom – working with Warren Beatty’s sister Shirley MacLaine – and The Fixer – working with Alan Bates, Dirk Bogarde, David Warner – and The Lost Continent.
“Sylvana was very shy and told me that she turned down many parts, worried that she wasn’t right for it, yet every time she got the part!
“Sylvana still values her privacy and anonymity but was ‘rediscovered’ when a photograph of her was seen, by chance, by a friend, when he was working for a client, and the client happened to be a James Bond memorabilia collector. That chance meeting brought her whereabouts to light and allowed her to be reintroduced to her public at film fan conventions, including the latest Bond anniversary celebrations.
“Sylvana remains very private but she told The Frome Times, ‘I worked with some great artists, and I’m very proud to say I did.’ And we are most grateful she took the time to talk to us!”