2017 is a big year for the carbon offset charity Climate Stewards, based in Nunney near Frome. It’s ten years since the organisation started planting its first trees in and around schools and villages in central and northern Ghana. From small beginnings, over 90 hectares of new forests have been formed.
Caroline Pomeroy, Director of Climate Stewards, tells us, “We’re delighted to report that after ten years, most of our sites in Ghana have formed a tree canopy and are ready to be handed over into the long-term care of the local community. We will continue to support school environment clubs in the schools where these new mini-forests are located.
“Over the years these clubs have inspired and educated thousands of students to care for the environment, with some students going on to study environmental studies and taking jobs in conservation NGOS and government departments, committed to protecting Ghana’s environment for the future.
“Students and staff from Nynahini Secondary School near Kumasi in central Ghana, at the recent ceremony to celebrate the success of their mini-forest. Meanwhile, we continue to support community-based carbon mitigation projects – planting indigenous trees and providing fuel-efficient cookstoves, solar lamps and biosand water filters in Kenya and Mexico. These projects not only take CO2 out of the atmosphere, but also bring benefits to biodiversity and health, and help to lift people out of poverty.”
Climate Stewards’ strapline is ‘Reduce what you can, offset the rest’. The charity encourages people and organisations to calculate their own carbon footprint and reduce it where possible using their carbon calculator at www.climatestewards.org/offset
Caroline continues, “Offsetting provides a way to compensate for the negative impacts of flying, driving and household energy bills, while helping some of our poorest global neighbours who being affected first and worst by climate change.”
Caroline and her colleague Adrian Frost are always happy to come and talk about climate change and what we can do to tackle it. If you would like them to visit your school, workplace or club, call Caroline on 07583 770595, or email at caroline.pomeroy@climatestewards.org