Purple Elephant Productions, the events team who bring the annual Children’s Festival and the Sports Festival to Frome, has announced that they are providing a selection of low cost activities for families in Frome and surrounding areas – Family Holiday Fun!
They say, “Ways to keep your youngsters busy this coming half-term holiday week will include a Toy Library session at Portway Methodist Church, which will be packed with toys and games and the addition of playdough for all.
“A chance to make a cardboard city and dens to play in will be available at the football club and two sessions hosted by the Key Centre and Trinity Church Hall will offer a wealth of craft options for those with creative minds and nimble fingers, where children will be involved in making decorations ready for display at the Children’s Festival coming up next month.
“The events are very low cost, open to all and accessible for children with additional needs. As Purple Elephant are partnering with Fair Frome there is also the wonderful addition of a light lunch available at most sessions. Lunch is free to families who receive free school meals or who receive benefits (with a suggested donation of £2 from others if they can afford it).
“For full details of the days and timings of all events, which cost only £1 to attend, please look out for posters and flyers in local schools and community venues, on social media and at www.fromechildrensfestival .org/holiday-activities/
“These activities have been made possible by funding from the Santander Foundation, Somerset County Council, Bistro Lotte and Lettings-r-Us.”
Above: A child enjoying the activities at a recent fun day.