Mendip District Council’s planning committee will discuss controversial plans for development close to The Retreat in Frome, on 28th January (application 2020/0800FUL).
Campaigners say, “This is a crucial meeting for the community of Frome as it will determine whether the Wallbridge to Adderwell river pathway will remain accessible to the public.
“Whilst the out of town developers are claiming that there is no public right of way along the river, the Save Wallbridge Adderwell Pathway group (SWAP) have collected a wide range of evidence to prove that the pathway is a Public Right of Way as of use and forms an integral part of the Neighbourhood Plan.
“The application for formal registration of the pathway is now with Somerset County Council and it is essential that the public retain access to the pathway whilst that decision is being made. As lockdown restrictions tighten nationally, countryside access such as this has become an essential means for people to maintain their mental health and connection to the outside world.
“With over 1,600 supporters on the campaign petition, the local community would be appalled if Mendip Planning Committee made the decision to close the pathway for private use and we are hopeful that they will use their initiative to ensure that this does not happen.
“To highlight the value of the pathway to the town and its people, supporters have created a film which can be viewed here https:// For more information and to show your support find the campaign on facebook at Save River Frome Pathway.”
Pictured: Water lillies at the Wallbridge footpath. Photo: Nathan Slee.