FROME Society for Local Study is preparing to resume meetings and launch its autumn programme.
Chair of the society, Sara Morris, says, “It is with great pleasure that after 18 months of no face-to-face meetings with society members, we are at last having three events at the Assembly Rooms in Christchurch Street West, Frome, in October.
“On Saturday 9th October at 2pm we shall have our first AGM since March 2019, followed by the first lecture of the season with Bath-based author Jonathan Holt who will talk about Somerset Follies. That is the buildings not frivolous behaviour!
“The following Saturday 16th October will be the Society’s annual luncheon, also at the Assembly Rooms. This will be at 1pm for 1.30pm – price £15 for 2 courses. Members will find the booking form with their ‘Contact’ magazine, so please complete this with your menu choices and send it with a cheque made out to Frome Society for Local Study, to Pat Eames at 48 Mendip Drive, Frome BA11 2HTT in good time. This should be a great opportunity for members to socialise with each other after so long apart.
“Then on Saturday 23rd October, John Smith, WW2 writer, returns to the society to talk about The Battle of Britain over Somerset and he will dress as a WW2 fighter pilot for the talk.
“To find out details of further talks please look at ‘Contact’, which is available on the society website:
“Non-members are welcome and are asked to pay just £4 ‘on the door’. Alternatively, for the princely sum of £10 for an individual or £15 for a couple, you can join the society!
“Finally, this year the society has tried out asking members to collect the Yearbook from the Museum and so far, 150 members have done this. We shall bring copies of the Yearbook to these events so members who have not yet collected their copy can do so.
“So, I hope all society members and readers of the Frome Times have a good autumn and I look forward to seeing many of you at these events.”