THE long journey of the redevelopment of Saxonvale moves one step closer as Mendip District Council has bought the rest of the derelict site, with residents hopeful it will be used to benefit the town.
For more than two decades, the derelict site in the centre of Frome, has lain empty, with three schemes for housing and local business reaching stalemate.
Along with Mendip District Council, the site’s other owners were Notts Industries Ltd and Terramond. Now, Mendip District Council has acquired the land owned by Notts and Terramond, and hope to regenerate the site to invest in the future of Frome.
Cllr Harvey Siggs, leader of Mendip District Council, said, “We hope that this is seen as the right move by us as a council, for too long the Saxonvale site has remained untouched. We are aware that it is a complex site, but as well as the challenges, there are great opportunities offered, recognising the river and the sloping nature of the site.
“Historically there have been a number of failed attempts at redevelopment with no plans ever coming to fruition, but we believe that we are now in a good position to deliver redevelopment of this key site in Mendip.
“We will invite other interested parties including Frome Town Council to work with us on this exciting new beginning on this site in the heart of Frome town centre.”
Deputy leader of Frome Town Council, cllr Mel Usher said, “The district council’s purchase of the land at Saxonvale has the potential to bring the redevelopment of the site a step closer. We look forward to hearing more about their plans for Saxonvale and will explore the possibilities of working with the district council to deliver progress.”
Katy Duke, who runs a website dedicated to developments of the site said, “I have worked on Saxonvale for many years and am very excited to think it may get a suitable development for our special town. In my view the most important need of the site is the road.”
On her website Katy described the need for a ‘through road’ to get to the centre of town. This, she says, would help to alleviate the pressure of traffic on Vicarage Street where problems occur, as articulated lorries and delivery vehicles need access to the nearby supermarkets.
Frome Times asked local people on social media what they would like to see developed on the site.
John P Botle said, “Be ok if it’s going to have rented homes, as that is what is needed in Frome.”
Jackie Bedford said, “Small shops, social housing, no big supermarket, seated area and cafe.”
Barry Mahar said, “Having been involved with Frome for all way back, I give up on anything being done in my lifetime!
“Unless full infrastructure is planned, a big housing development is not suitable. Any homes built must be affordable. House prices in Frome are way beyond the locals.”
Heather Cassidy said, “I think maybe more shops, something to bring life back to the town. New shopping centre, something for the youngsters of Frome; everything has gone now. Surely this could be all incorporated together.
“I invariably don’t shop in Frome any more, I take my custom elsewhere. But once I really never left Frome there was a variety of choice which we don’t have now.”
Sue Potter said, “Not more homes, maybe retirement flats. A shoe shop please, M&S clothes, Primark. Get on and do it – it’s an eye sore!”
Dave Merritt said, “Small (2 bedroom) homes for first time buyers (no buy to let) or FTC-owned to let.
“A new green space for Frome, think Warminster park but on the Saxonvale site, incorporating the river.
“A new school is desperately needed in the town (at every level of education).”
For more information about the site you can visit