A group in Frome is running monthly meetups for unpaid carers who look after a family member, friend or neighbour with a long-term illness of disability.
From February, Frome and District Carers Group will meet on the first Wednesday of the month from 10.30am to 12.30pm at Rossetti House.
“We are a friendly, informal group who welcome any unpaid carers to join us,” explained a member of the group, Issie Tucker. “It offers the opportunity to meet other carers, obtain advice, have a cup of tea and just chat and have some time for you.”
The group also has a varied programme of talks that cover topics from local community projects to more specific topics that may help you in your role as an unpaid carer.
Recently, the local ambulance crew provided information and a demonstration on how to deal with someone who had collapsed.
Terri Pitts, from Frome Community Fridge, gave a very informative talk. “We also support informal outings; these are often to a garden centre for tea and cake. There is some parking available and there is a bus stop opposite Rossetti House,” explained Issie.
For more information, contact Cath Holloway from Somerset Carers at 07535 279359 or email cathh@somersetrcc.org.uk
Pictured: Members of the Frome and District Carers Group