A NEW branch of the Rotary launched in Frome has made history as the first of its kind in the UK, as the Rotary takes steps to attract new and younger members.
The Frome Town Rotary is the town’s third Rotary club and is the first group in the UK to be chartered under a national project to make Rotary attractive to younger members.
President of the new club, Andrew Lee said, “Frome is at the forefront of the modernisation of Rotary. On Tuesday 16th January the town’s third Rotary group was presented with its Charter by the national president, Denis Spiller.
“There are around 48,000 Rotarians in the UK and Ireland and 1.2 million around the world. Rotary has recognised that, with the average age of a Rotarian above retirement age, they need to adapt.
“Rather than trying to get younger members into existing club, they plan to create new clubs with younger members. Frome Town Rotary is mixed gender, less formal, and is developing as a social group which undertakes volunteering and fundraising in the community, upholding the ideals of the Rotary movement.”
At the Charter Night, held at Frome Town Hall, 20 members were welcomed into Rotary. The guests, including a further 50 Rotarians from 11 other Rotary Groups in the district, enjoyed a meal provided by James Morrison Catering.
National president, Denis Spiller, talked about the work that the 33,000 Rotary clubs do throughout the world, providing shelter and water boxes in disaster zones and almost eradicating Polio throughout the world.
Andrew said, “People recognise that Rotary does great work in the community but don’t necessarily identify that it is something they could be a part of. This is not true; if you want to belong to an active social group and put something back into the community, Rotary is for you.”
The group usually meets on the first and third Tuesdays of the month at 7.30pm in the George Hotel in the Market Place.
Frome Town Rotary’s first fundraising event is a Pig Racing Night on behalf of the Bath Cancer Unit, on Saturday 24th February.
“We are very keen for new members to join us. If you are interested in Frome Town Rotary you can find us on Facebook or contact secretary.frometown rotary@gmail.com.”