THIS year’s Frome Poppy Appeal is set to go ahead, with changes put in place due to the pandemic. Volunteers are asked to come forward to help this year.
The Royal British Legion (RBL) has carried out various risk assessments to cover scenarios that may occur during this year’s Poppy Appeal.
Richard Fry, Frome area Poppy Appeal organiser explained, “Our primary aim is the safety of everyone. As the situation currently stands, the Poppy Appeal will be reduced to just the two largest supermarkets in the town, as well as schools who can participate if their own risk assessments allow them to.
“It is planned to have a table just inside the entrance to Asda, that will have a selection of poppies and some other merchandise. However, this can only go ahead if there are people willing to help.
“The majority of the usual volunteers are in the ‘high risk’ category, so they have been asked not to help this year. Not surprisingly, many are upset about this, but they fully understand. We therefore require people, who are not classed as at risk and can spare some time, even if it for just one hour, to help with the appeal from 1st to 7th November.
“It is easy to do and very rewarding, knowing that you are doing your bit to help those who have and are still serving their country. Please give it some serious thought and contact me if you can help.
“If you would like more information about the work the Legion does or how to become a member: Frome Royal British Legion – 0808 802 8080 or frome.secretary@
“If you can help even for just this year, I promise I won’t pressgang you! Please send me an email or call: Richard Fry – Frome Area Poppy Appeal Organiser –; call 07899 668433.”