A popular pub in Keyford has been officially recognised as an Asset of Community Value (ACV) by Somerset Council. This designation gives the local community the opportunity to bid for the freehold if the owner decides to sell, helping to secure its future as a vital community hub.
The Crown Inn was nominated to become an ACV by the Keyford Area Neighbourhood Group, which says it is much more than ‘just a place to drink.’
It hosts a wide range of community activities ranging from lantern-making workshops and a book group to performances by Byword Theatre. A Christmas singalong proved popular with local families and residents.
Twenty-one local residents signed the nomination for the AVC, which now means permission for a change of use application during this period is less likely. Frome Town Council also supported the nomination and said, “Frome Town Council fully supports the submission. This will help the pub to further the social wellbeing and social interests of the local community.
“The pub is a community hub and encourages residents to come together, connects them with their neighbours, and enables people to participate in a wide variety of local activities in a local, safe space.”
Local resident Simon Keyes said, “Recent attempts to run The Crown as a Uruguayan restaurant and cocktail bar failed to attract local people. Earlier this year, 70 local people contributed to a survey that underlined that people want to see The Crown retain its historic role as a local pub and extend its role in the community, for instance, by offering daytime coffee and lunches for families.
“The ACV designation is a good step towards ensuring The Crown remains the social hub for Keyford. Perhaps one day it will be owned and run by the community.”
Pictured: Keyford residents celebrating the designation of The Crown as an Asset of Community Value