DID you know that improving home insulation and triple glazing in the warmer months can be important for keeping your home warm when winter arrives?
The Centre for Sustainable Energy (CSE) has been working with Frome Town Council and the Healthy Homes project to support Frome residents to do just that and has a full range of tips and tricks for keeping warm during colder weather, all whilst keeping costs low. Not only this but some of these improvements can also benefit you during hot weather too.
A spokesperson for Frome Town Council said, “Handy tips such as ensuring the maintenance of your chimney and fireplace mean that they will be safe and in proper working order ready for winter use, as well as considering the installation of thicker blinds or curtains to insulate windows (which can also keep the heat out during summer!)”
Frome Town Council’s Healthy Homes team offer resources for those looking to save energy and money, such as the Energy Saving Kits. These kits were funded by FRECo and can be hired through the SHARE shop in town; they provide instructions and useful information on lowering energy bills and reducing your carbon footprint.
You can also hire a thermal imaging camera from the SHARE shop to help you get a better idea of where your home is losing the most energy, and ultimately helping you stay warm during those chilly temperatures.
If you have any questions, you can pop along to one of the Healthy Homes free energy advice sessions. These drop-in sessions are available at Frome Library to support residents in saving money and gain knowledge on making their home more energy efficient. The next scheduled dates are:
Wednesday 9th August, 10am to 4pm
Wednesday 20th September, 10am to 4pm.
If you can’t pop into the library, you can call CSE’s helpline for free advice on 0800 082 2234 or book a home visit with a Frome Town council energy advisor on 01373 4803 91.
For more information, visit the CSE website. https://www.cse.org.uk/my-home/grants-and-funding/ or the Healthy Homes page: www.frometowncouncil.gov.uk/healthy-homes