HOUSING for young people has hit the agenda in Frome and a new scheme is hoping to offer a leg up with a new affordable housing and work training initiative.
A group of local families recently set up Frome Fair Housing, a company aiming to offer young adults affordable private housing in the town and to give them access to training and education opportunities.
The company was outbid on an ideal house on Nunney Road last month, but is on the lookout for more suitable property to buy in Frome.
Founder Alison Murdoch said, “We are concerned about how spiralling house prices in Frome are making it increasingly difficult for young adults, especially those on low incomes, to afford a decent place to live.
“Frome Fair Housing is a new group set up in July by six Frome families. We hope to make private rented housing in the town more available and more affordable for young adults.
“The company is working towards enabling investors to join together to buy property which will be specifically developed and managed to house young adults on low incomes.
“This is a matter of urgency before all the property in the centre of the town becomes unaffordable.”
Frome Fair Housing will be looking to set up a landlords’ group, helping people to find and offer housing online, and encouraging college courses and apprenticeships.
Alison continued, “The group bid on a property at 44 Nunney Road in an auction last month, but were outbid by a developer from Beckington.
“Up until four years ago the house was run as a seven-bed facility for young adults, so it fitted the FFH specification exactly, but had been allowed to fall into disrepair by its owners Sanctuary Housing.
“Encouragingly, the winning bidder has contacted us about keeping some of the site available for rent for young adults on low incomes.”
Founder and chairman of Frome Fair Housing, Bill Palmer said, “Frome Fair Housing Property Ltd is now urgently looking for further properties, along with the funds to purchase and convert them.
“It would be great if people in the town can help by looking out for other suitable buildings for us: less than £500,000; at least five bedrooms, parking, and ideally with adjoining land.
“In the meantime, please visit our facebook page at Frome FairHousing. We hope that many people in the town will see the importance of what we’re doing, and there will be many different ways to get involved and help make this happen.”
Bill can also be contacted at bill.palmer@fromefairhousing.org.uk