FOLLOWING the success of the last scrapstore in July, The Pod, a Frome based charity is working in partnership with the Children’s Scrapstore in Bristol to bring another pop-up scrapstore to Frome.
The second in a series of three pop up events will take place on Tuesday 7th September from 3-6pm in the Cheese and Grain. There will be an entry fee of £1, children under 12 will be free.
Pod charity manager, Sue Paxton, said, “Scrapstores are well established across the country, providing an opportunity for the community to spend a small amount of money on scrap that could be the makings of a den, costumes, arts and craft resources, materials for sculpture, collage or display on a small or large scale.
“Please bring along your own bag for life and fill it with scrap, a small spend on the day can offer hours of creativity or play potential. Most of the scrap has been donated by businesses and industry, instead of ending up in landfill they will get a second lease of life through interesting artistic, creative and play activities.
“The feedback from the event in July was better than we could have hoped for with visitors saying, ‘this is fantastic’ and ‘thanks for bringing it here, we need this in Frome!’
“We’re really looking forward to building on the success of the first event and introducing the scrapstore concept to many more people. We are hopeful this series of events will be successful and evidence the demand for a permanent scrapstore in Frome. Benefitting the whole town and providing real life work opportunities for adults with additional needs.”
Adults who attend the Pod Plus weekly social group will be assisting the public and gathering views from the community on the day. With fewer Covid restrictions, there will be a larger area focusing on creative play with scrap for the children to get involved. Creative Cats ‘n’ Kittens will be on hand again creating things and sharing ideas about what you could do with all the unique items available on the day.
The Frome scrapstore roadshow has been made possible with Frome Town Council and Frome Town Rotary grants, and the Bristol Children’s Scrapstore team who have been sharing their expertise with The Pod. They will be transporting the contents of their warehouse to the Cheese and Grain on the day.
All the monies raised will go towards a planned programme of development for The Pod, enabling the charity to continue providing and developing essential services for disadvantaged children and adults in Frome and for our community.
If you would like to find out more or get involved please contact Pod via the website @ThePod or telephone 07709 231536.
Cash and card payments will be fine on the day.