Frome motorists still have some way to go to get their speeds down to an acceptable safe level.
Figures recorded by the Mendip Community Speed Watch team, show that in 2014 speeding has increased by 18.6% v the figures recorded in 2013. Over 4,000 motorists were either prosecuted or had warning letters sent to them over the last financial year, with some speeds recorded at over 87 miles per hour and dozens in the 60 mph range all within a 30 mph speed limit. Ashley Reay from Mendip CSW said, “Regrettably it was the full range of drivers responsible for these high speeds, including just as many family cars containing children.
“The sites of the speed checks are fairly well known by now and it is difficult to understand why the motorists continue to gamble with not only their licences, but their lives by driving at these high speeds.”
The Road Traffic Police and local police carry out as much education as possible by the stopping and educating of motorists at the road side, and by warning letters where appropriate. Prosecution is a last resort but is often needed for the most dangerous or persistent offenders.
The speed enforcement unit recently carried out two days of high profile speed monitoring at Bradford Road, Rode following the recent accident at the bottom of the road where it joins the A361.
Inspector Mark Nicholson from Avon and Somerset Police said, “I cannot thank the Mendip Community Speed Watch Team enough for what they do to reduce the speeds in our towns and villages.
“These volunteers are passionate about improving road safety and I regularly get thank you letters from the public who have been sent educational letters from them. We will continue to work closely with the team in the coming year, as one injury or worse is too many.
“I would also like to thank the public who have grasped the concept of the initiative and would again urge drivers to take more care on our roads.”