As a follow up to recent high speeding in the villages around Frome, a speed enforcement unit carried out a high profile 48-hour visit to Frome during the week of 7th September.
The aim was to be as high profile as possible to remind the public that recent speed checks in Mendip are not a ‘once a year visit’ but something that is going to happen on a regular basis.
The speed enforcement unit ensured that they travelled through the town centre on several occasions in highly marked vehicles so that the public could see that they were in the area. Mendip community speed watch member Ashley Reay was the official observer over the two days and he reported mixed results.
He said, “There can be no doubt that certain areas of Frome have indeed improved over the past year or so, with much less speeding at The Clink, Brunel Way, and Locks Hill all at reduced speeds which is very pleasing to see. The ‘not so good’ areas still remain at Culverhill, Berkley School, and Old Ford with too many excessive speeds still being reported. Over 100 motorists were recorded as exceeding the speed limit over the two days and thus will be given a fine and penalty points. Some may be offered an educational course in lieu of penalty points but must still pay a fine.
“The upside of the two days is that some improvements are being shown; the downside is not enough or quickly enough. By the end of 2015 some tens of thousands of motorists within the Frome area will have been reported for speeding offences over a three-year period either by community speed watch teams or the speed enforcement units.
“This is an horrendous amount and with the extra resources that the speed enforcement unit now has in terms of extra safety camera vans and motorbikes, and the rumoured nighttime speed checks, then there will be no let up of checking speeds in the Frome area.
“The simple advice is to slow down, be safe and avoid costly fines and penalty points.”