Diaries take all shapes and forms: some are written with publication in mind, while others are closely guarded secrets. Different styles, preoccupations and dates of origin were ably represented in a recent online ‘diary’ event held by Frome Writers Collective.
Historical diaries, such as those of Samuel Pepys and John Evelyn, are invaluable sources for the major historical events they record, but also provide a wealth of incidental detail on everyday life, and the manners and morals of their day. Local writer David Lassman explained how he draws on both these seventeenth century diarists in researching his current book-in-progress on the Great Fire of London.
Reading our own words written many years ago can feel like a kind of time travelling. Several members read from diaries written in their earlier years, featuring expressions of teenage angst, the trials of teaching at an East End comprehensive, and meeting the president of Syria (Assad senior) while working for the British Council – voices from the past which were all very entertaining and relatable.
Many of these early writings have since formed the basis for published memoirs, or have even inspired short stories. Blogging, a modern, and more public, version of keeping a diary, can also be a route into publication.
Crysse Morrison explained how her own blog grew from the habit of daily writing into a chronicle of the life and times of Frome, which in turn led to her being approached to write her quirky and very popular history of the town, Frome Unzipped.
The diary theme will be offered to a wider audience in the upcoming FWC ‘Writers on Radio’ programme on Frome FM. Nikki Copleston will reprise her teenage diary and read the prize-winning short story it inspired, Jonny Griffiths will recall his early teaching days in Poplar and programme presenter, Lisa Kenwright, will share her lockdown diary. Other regular features include writing news and events, plus writing tips, prompts and Suzy Howlett’s not-to-be-missed exploration of words, A Word in Your Ear.
The one-hour show airs on 96.6 FM at 2pm on Friday 5th March and all shows are made available as podcasts at www.mixcloud.com/FromeFM/play lists/writers-on-radio/.