SNOOKER player Steve Clarkson won for the third time, despite having to refix the tip on his cue during his first game. He defeated the previous event winner Matt Snelgrove in a very close final at Chester House Social Club.
Derek White reports, “The table winners on the night were:- Table 1. Steve Clarkson, Table 2. Lee Gibbs, Table 3. Paul Hurden, Table 4. Matt Snelgrove. Although some regular competitors were unable to take part, there was a good turn out for the latest club tournament, with several new members including 14yr old junior member, Jacob Sanders, taking part.
“The enjoyable evening included a tasty supper provided by Annie Scane and thanks are due to her and all members taking part. New members at these events are welcome and handicaps can be used to make it interesting for all abilities.
“Watch the notice boards for details of future events or log on to http:// chesterhousesc.
“Chester House Social Club is in Christchurch Street West, Frome, and welcomes snooker players to join the club and make use of the four full size snooker tables available.
“The club is open week day evenings, Saturday afternoon/evenings and Sunday afternoons.”