Frome Town Council is hosting a meeting this Saturday, 15th September, at 10.30am at Frome Town Hall for anyone interested to come and discuss what can be done about litter, to share ideas and to put some practical actions in place, so everyone can get together to Keep Frome Clean.
The council says, “There is a perception that litter levels in Frome are not acceptable and that it is time to address it in a more creative way, with residents taking the lead.
“One suggestion that other towns are using is a weekly litter pick. Arranged by a coordinator who takes the lead and arranges where the best place to clear that week is, a regular pic has the advantage that everybody knows when it is, it encourages people to get out into their surroundings, meet their neighbours, make friends and help clear up areas that are otherwise neglected.
“Friends of the River Frome already use this technique monthly, to help keep the river corridor looking good and the Trinity Community Group used it to good effect with the Bin it For Trinity campaign. This, and the addition of new bins at Trinity has really helped in this area, so if you would like to see a ‘bin it’ campaigns in your area, then come and register your interest at the ‘rubbish meeting.’
“Another idea is to have a school litter challenge which combines walking to school with picking up litter, another is to incentivise people to clear up outside their own houses by doing a door step challenge. The possibilities are endless. If you have ideas that you would like to put into action that will encourage people to stop dropping litter and to clear up outside their own houses, then the rubbish meeting is for you. It will look at practical steps, sharing ideas and collective responsibility.
“If you are interested in taking part in addressing the problem of litter in our town, come and meet others who are interested in making a positive difference to the streets where you live and bring your ideas with you. For further information email info@ or just drop in to the rubbish meeting.
“Refreshments, and litter pickers if you’d like one, provided.”