BUCKLAND Dinham’s village hall was buzzing with anecdotes, memories and reminiscences during Buckland History Group’s day long exhibition of life in the village in the Twentieth Century.
Each decade was separately and profusely illustrated with photographs, archive items, newspapers and other memorabilia, including a treadle operated drill like the one used by the visiting school dentist in the 1930s.
And it wasn’t just present village residents who were poring over the exhibits in the hall. Among the hundred or so visitors were members of several families with past village connections who were fascinated by, for example, photographs of children at the village school whom they could identify as their parents, grandparents, even great grandparents – in many cases themselves when they were pupils there.
History Group member Pauline Short said, “This was a great day for the group. Not only were we able to display a great many of the items we have collected and help visitors add to their own family history, we learnt a lot from them and have been promised more material to add to our archive.
“We also launch the second in our series of Buckland Memories booklets and I’m delighted to say that we sold an encouraging number of copies.
“Our next event takes place at 7.30pm on Thursday, March 9th, in the village hall when historian Colin Budge will be setting out the history of lead mining on the Mendips between 1600 and 1900.”