People in Frome will vote next month on which local events the town council spends its £30,000 budget on.
As part of the council’s new spending strategy, it will ask for local residents’ views on how to spend its £30,000 events budget. A group of people who register will be selected to vote at Frome Town Football Club on 11th March.
Community projects officer, Kate Hellard explains, “We’re asking anyone who’d like to have their say on the events that happen in their town to register their interest online or by phone.
“From this list of names, we will randomly select people to attend a voting day on 11th March, where they will listen to pitches from local organisations who would like council funding to help them put on an event in Frome.”
To register for the chance to take part go to or call 01373 465757 by Wednesday 22nd February. The chosen voters will need to be available from 9.30am to 5pm on Saturday 11th March, and will be given free lunch and refreshments.
Kate added, “Those selected to attend will get the chance to have their say on how local money is spent and know that they’ve had a real impact on what happens in Frome over the next year.
“We are aiming to have a voting panel made up of all ages and from across all areas of the town, but will only be able to achieve this if enough people register their interest in being involved.
“Anyone aged 10 and over can register, but those aged 10-17 will need a responsible adult to be their chaperone for the day.”
Those selected will hear back by 1st March.
To find out more contact the council on 01373 465757.