THE cobbles of Catherine Hill will become the setting for one of the town’s premier events this weekend, as the Cobble Wobble gets under starter’s orders on Sunday 16th of December at 1.00pm.
The event will see 200 cyclists from all over the country make their way up the cobbled street of Catherine Hill in a bid to be crowned the King of the Cobbles.
Last year, over a thousand spectators took up their spot on Catherine Hill to support cyclists from the sidelines.
In true Cobble Wobble fashion, it is expected that many of the 200 cyclists will turn up in fancy dress. Last year’s fancy dress stars included a penguin, Sesame Street’s Big Bird and tandem riders dressed as a pantomime horse. Cyclists from all across the globe took part in the competition which was won by ex-National Mountain Biking Champion, 22-year-old Lewis Lacey.
Spaces for the competition sold out in less than a minute as the event went online on Thursday 1st of November. The Cobble Wobble is split into five categories, under 14s, ages 14-17, ages 18-49s, over 50s and singlespeed (without gears).