Frome Town Council is introducing Participatory Budgeting (PB) a way for local people to make choices about how local money is spent.
The Town Council is changing the relationship the community has with the organisation, giving people the chance to make direct choices and decisions about how local public budgets are spent. The first major scheme that comes under the umbrella of PB is events for the town.
Kate Hellard Community Projects Officer explains, “If you are a community group, charity or not-for-profit enterprise and are interested in putting on an event in Frome and need some money to help you do this, then let us know about it by registering your interest. You can fill in an electronic form or download a form from our website. Ideally complete and return a proposal form as an expression of interest – returning this as soon as possible. This way FTC can support you with your full application in January. We don’t need all the details just yet, but this form covers some of the key things like what, when and where.”
The Town Council will be running workshops and providing support for prospective event organisers in December and will also contact those who have applied directly before Christmas to discuss ideas.
Kate continues, “This will give you lots of time to submit a full application by Friday 20th January. Then if you’re successful, your event will be put forward to the public vote in February when successful applicants will pitch their event to the public at a venue to be confirmed nearer the time!”
If you would like to put on an event in Frome for next year, please either fill the expression of interest form or email with details. A form or further information can be found here: community/community-projects/participatory-budgeting-frome/participatory-budgeting-vote-2/