Frome Times is launching a new campaign to encourage the community to ‘Shop Local’ and support local businesses to help them get back on their feet.
Frome’s shops and businesses – as well as its charities, pubs, restaurants and venues – are facing challenges like never before.
And as the pandemic continues, now is the time to show your support for them. They need you more than ever if they are to survive.
Whilst some businesses were able to adapt and continue trading online during the lockdown, others were closed throughout – but all have faced an unprecedented period of turbulence. And during lockdown, the community has learnt the value of using local shops and businesses, with more people relying on them to provide essential items.
Life in Frome’s town centre began to return to a ‘new normal’ last week, after the easing of lockdown restrictions allowed all non-essential shops and businesses to open their doors again to the public for the first time in almost three months.
Many high street shops were struggling before the pandemic and now, with three months’ lost trade, it is for some, a fight for survival.
With ‘we’re open’ signs going up all over town, as more businesses emerge from lockdown, the message from business owners is simple – ‘We need you!’
Shop owners have stressed the need for support in the town saying, If we don’t support the town, we will lose it.
Alex Hart from Charles Hart jewellers said, “It’s important that the community supports local businesses so we can keep money in the local economy and protect jobs. We’ve got a fantastic range of shops in Frome and if people want to keep them, please come and support us.”
Editor of Frome Times, Ian Drew, said, “It has never been more important to support our local shops and businesses – by showing your support, not only will you be helping to build back up the town’s economy, you will also be helping to secure local jobs within the community for the future.
Our businesses are the heart of the community and it’s never been more true – ‘use them or lose them’. They need us to help them survive. If you can, please ‘choose Frome’.
“This can go some way to help life in Frome return to normal. And it’s also our way of saying thank you to all the businesses that have supported the community during the pandemic and indeed, over the years. These businesses were there for us during this crisis, now it’s our turn to return the favour and show them our support.
“More and more businesses are re-opening – with more hopefully to come when pubs, restaurants, coffee shops and hairdressers can reopen safely – please support them.
“We must all do it safely of course – the pandemic is far from over – but together we can all help Frome’s economy get back on its feet.”
As shops and businesses opened their doors last week, shoppers have had to adapt to a new ‘Covid secure’ way of shopping, with businesses having to make changes to their layout and processes to comply with government guidance on how to keep customers safe.
Some businesses have re-invented themselves and introduced new ideas in order to recover. New online or home delivery services have been launched; weight-loss and training groups have introduced virtual sessions, estate agents have introduced remote viewing; therapists offer advice over the phone; while other businesses have used the lockdown as an opportunity to revamp their business or renovate their premises.
You’ll find many of them featured and advertising inside, telling their stories – shops, salons, tradespeople, garages, therapists, restaurants and takeaways and more. We hope to bring more of them to you in the coming weeks and months.