A PROJECT to convert an old town toilet block into a new micro art gallery, is looking for backers to secure the £10,955 which is needed for the development to go ahead.
The abandoned blue toilet block in the centre of Frome, near the Cheese and Grain, has fallen into a state of disrepair. Now, Frome woman Katy Duke, is looking to raise the cash to revamp the building into a new art gallery, named Loop de Loop.
Katy launched a ‘crowd funding’ campaign last week, whereby members of the public can pledge sums of cash to pay for the project. However, if she does not meet her £10,955 target by the 30th of April, then she will receive none of the pledged money.
Katy said, “The motivation behind creating Loop de Loop is to preserve the glass blocks that are at the back of the building. They record some of the key town businesses of yesteryear, including Singers, Butler and Tanner, Cooper Bussman and Notts Industries, with embedded artifacts from the old factories, prior to closure or moving out of town.
“But I also want to turn the building into four micro galleries so local artists can exhibit their work. There’s a lot of work to be done.
“There will also be a food kiosk, that can be used by local people.
“We have had wonderful support from the artistic community via Creative Frome. The first public fundraising event (at the Frome Super Market) raised £500 which allowed for the environmental health tests to be completed.”
Within a few hours of emailing her contact list about the crowd funding initiative, Katy had received over £3,000 worth of pledges towards the Loop de Loop project. But she now needs your help to secure the rest.
The project saw a further boost last week as the company, Experian, donated £2,500 for the project.
If you would like to donate to the project then log on to www.spacehive.con/loopdeloop