FROME’S Missing Links has received a £30,000 boost through Mendip District Council’s Communities Fund and Climate and Ecological Emergency Fund.

Frome’s Missing Links will use the money for the construction of a traffic-free multi-user path between Whatcombe Fields in Frome and Great Elm.
Trustee of Frome’s Missing Links, Ruth Knagg, said, “We are thrilled to have been awarded a grant of £30,000 towards our aim of connecting the biggest “missing link” in the national cycle network locally: between Whatcombe Fields in Frome and Great Elm.
“When completed this will be a safe travel route for cyclists, walkers and riders, enabling them to avoid a dangerous and hilly stretch of busy roads.
“The volunteer group have been making gradual progress from either end of the route, and this significant award from Mendip’s Communities Fund will be an enormous help to come closer to joining up! It will contribute towards some of the expensive items like fencing that our volunteers can help construct.”
Mendip District Council allocated approximately £400k to aid organisations with project ideas that sought to make a positive impact on communities or contribute to eco-friendly initiatives.
Judging panels recently met and reviewed all applications, and have now allocated funding to those organisations who successfully met the criteria.
Leader of Mendip District Council, cllr Ros Wyke, said, “It was a challenge for the panels to make their decisions due to the large number, and huge variety of remarkable projects that were put forward by organisations. Some ideas include play area improvements, community workshops and even a compost toilet on an allotment site!
“It’s promising to hear that successful organisations have accepted their funding offers. The money will make a huge difference to communities and we hope it leaves a lasting legacy for residents to benefit from for years to come.”
More details of other successful applicants and their projects will be revealed early this year.