COME along to Frome’s new venue at The Wheatsheaves on Saturday 19th March; Toby and Lark give the lowdown –
“It was always going to happen – Bristol based Babyhead have been smashing the scene for years and we’re gonna make sure the floor can take all your jumping about, cos they’re coming to our venue!
“With Mancub on verbals, Justin Goodall and Miles Adams on guitars, Alex Lupo and Art Beat on drums, Jonzy on bass, Joss Murray on trumpet, Gareth ‘Misterlong’ Bailey on trombone, Mosside Marv on the barry sax. Big band, Big sound, Bigbadaboom!
“Born out of love of sound clash, forged through a do it yourself punkrock ethic and delivered with a raw hip hop swagger, the unstoppable Babyhead sound is drawn from all quarters of the musical universe, in true Bristol fashion.
“They have been a live phenomenon in the clubs and on the festival circuit, for a decade plus, rocking stages from Glastonbury to Fabric and attracting onstage collaborations from Ozomatli, Rodney P, Alice Russell, scores of children, transvestites and a three legged one eyed dog!
“Keith Allen called them ‘bastard child of Ian Dury and Iggy pop’ while the legendary Toots Hibbert himself proclaimed the band ‘Irie, despite their beards and suits’.
“Bringing up the second set of the night – The Refusal – put a whole load of influences from the 2 Tone Ska era mixed with a hint of the 60s Garage phenomena, turn the rock dial up until bubbling, and well – that’s the Refusal. Also containing the now ‘Reliable’ Guy on bass….
“Support also comes from The Legendary Snakesnakesnake – a jolly trio of bourbon and mystery, Cello and banjo, wisdom and wit… Love them. Onstage at 8.00pm.
“And…. there will also be DJ’s until 1.30am… What’s not to like?!”
Tickets £7.50 in advance, £10 on the door.