A ‘magical evening’ with author and long-time Frome resident, Julian Hight, is promised by Winston’s Hunting Raven Books as he launches his stunning new book, Britain’s Ancient Forest: Legacy and Lore.
“Julian will share the story of Britain’s ancient forests and woodlands with original music following the forest through the seasons,” said Tina Gaisford-Waller, manager of the popular book shop in Cheap Street.
“Julian’s lavishly illustrated book presents an alternative to the commonly held view that Britain was blanketed in dense woodland. Instead it presents Britain as a patchwork mosaic not only of thick woods, but of open grazed wood-pasture, grass, heath, marsh and plain.
“From the wildwood, through working woodlands and royal forests, enclosed deer parks and landscaped manorial estates to modern plantation forestry and rewilding, ‘Britain’s Ancient Forest’ is the little-told tale of an evolving landscape shaped by its wildlife, people and their relationship with trees – many of which survive as living links to Britain’s rich and ancient history.
“Julian Hight is a highly-regarded expert on trees and was a judge on Channel 4’s Tree of the Year. Chair of Wessex Ancient Tree Forum and verifier for the Ancient Tree Inventory, Julian launched Reviving Selwood Forest and campaigns for ancient trees and woodland.
“The event is perfect for fans of Isabella Tree’s Wilding and Peter Wohlleben’s The Hidden Life of Trees, and anyone interested in Britain’s rich natural history.
“The event will take place on Friday 18th October at Frome Town Hall, doors at 7.30pm and tickets £7. Book online at www.bit.ly/ForestFrome, by contacting 01373 473111 or winstone books3@gmail.com, or by calling into Hunting Raven Books on Cheap Street, Frome.”