POLICE are investigating the theft of a new white Haier washing machine that was stolen from outside a property in Frome.
Police report, “We believe it happened at about 4.30pm on Friday 19th February in the Catherine Hill area.
“We’re keen to talk to three people who were in the area at the time in connection with our enquiries.
“They are described as: Male 1 – white, of slim build, wearing a light grey hoodie with an orange T-shirt underneath. He was wearing a grey beanie hat plus a face mask/snood, medium grey tracksuit bottoms with black shoes.
“Male 2 – white, medium build and slightly shorter than Male 1. He wore a grey quilted jacket with a hood and this had a black/dark blue panel under the arm. He wore grey trousers and had blue/black trainers with a reflective grey stripe, a blue baseball cap and a black face mask.
“Male 3 (pictured) – white male, who wore a dark jacket with a grey hoodie underneath, dark trousers and grey and white shoes.
“Anyone who recognises the male pictured, or saw what happened, is asked to call 101 and give reference number 5221036660.”