A ‘MIDSUMMER Madness’ ceilidh will be held on Friday 22nd June at the Cheese & Grain to raise money for Frome’s Missing Links.
The fundraiser has been organised by Frome’s Missing Links volunteers, Grant, Marjory and Catriona, who are all Scottish ex-pats.
Marjory explains, “Ceilidh is pronounced ‘kay-lay’. It comes from the gaelic for ‘gathering’ or ‘party’. These days ceilidhs are about dancing, and they have always been popular up north with both young and old, especially at weddings and so on. However, ceilidh dancing is definitely much more hip these days, ceilidhs are definitely ‘in’ just now and seem to have been adopted by a younger generation.
“The music for the night will be provided by Hobsons Choice, a local Somerset band. Their music is a mixture of great fiddle-led traditional folk dance tunes with a contemporary folk feel. On the night, they will be focussing on their Scottish songs, but their repertoire also includes English, Irish and Welsh tunes too.
“There will be a caller to guide everyone through each dance before they begin. It’s about whirling and swinging your partner, reeling and jigging about, so if you are enjoying yourself, you’ll be doing it right!”
Grant, Catriona and Marjory are part of the charity team trying to raise funds to complete the missing 2km of cycle path from Frome to Great Elm.
Frome’s Missing Links have a summer campaign to raise £30,000 as part of their phase two development, for which they have recently obtained planning permission. However, the charity has the opportunity to secure a route along a strategic strip of land between Great Elm and Elliotts Bridge, which would enable the cycleway to be built close to the existing railway line, but crucially not on Network Rail land, with major cost-saving implications. For full details see www.fromesmissing links.org.uk
Marjory continued, “So, Frome’s Missing Links encourage you to bring along your friends and to have a brilliant night out – Scottish-style, and help raise funds to complete the missing cycle path at the same time. Although always a good look, the wearing of tartan is not essential!
“If you want to add a supper to your evening, South Indian/Sri Lankan cuisine from Lungi Baba & Azeema is also available, tickets £6, to book in advance. The Ceilidh tickets are £15 and can be purchased from the Cheese and Grain box Office. (Box office charges apply). Doors open 7pm (7.30pm till 11.30pm).