THE Rotary Club of Frome Selwood recently presented cheques to a number of charities after a busy year of fundraising.
At the recent President’s Night, club president Andrew Walsh-Waring announced that over £14,000 had been raised in a 12 month period.
Cheques were presented in front of an audience that included the Mayor of Frome cllr Sheila Gore and her predecessor cllr Toby Elliot, to Dorset & Somerset Air Ambulance, Freewheelers (Blood Bikes), CLIC Sargent, YMCA Frome, and Memorial Theatre.
It was also announced that over 2,000 volunteering hours had been given by the 25 or so members of the Rotary Club, supporting events and schemes in the community.
Listing the things the club had done locally, Andrew said, “Events we have supported include the Community Hospital fete, Gateway Club activities, assisting the Frome YMCA renovate a house for Eritrean refugees, stewarding the cheese competition at the Frome Show and assisting stewarding at the show itself.
“Some events we have organised to raise funds include wine tastings, a gastro quiz, a concert at Cooper Hall, a World Cuisine Evening and joint event with Opus III Choir.”
The youth of Frome have been a focus for the Rotary Club of Frome Selwood over the past 12 months with the club continuing with mock interviews at the college, the Frome Young Citizen award, Youth Speaks and outdoor leadership awards.
Andrew will be handing over to his successor at the end of June. “In the last few days of my time as president I look forward especially to the Rotary Kids Out day at Longleat,” said Andrew.
“Rotary clubs across the UK take kids on a special day out on the same day in June and locally many clubs converge with the selected children and their teachers/carers on Longleat for the Rotary organised day.”
See www.fromeselwood rotary.org.uk for more details about the club.