Drum It Up’s Sunday Community Drum Circles are back, on the following dates; Sunday 18th November; Sunday 16th December; Sunday 20th January, all held at the Christchurch Hall, Park Road Frome 2.30 – 4pm.
Organisers say, “Drum circles are a great way to bring people together through the joy, laughter and energy that creating rhythm in a group brings. This will be a session for all ages and abilities, and is a fully inclusive whatever your needs are. All equipment will be provided including drums and percussion instruments of all shapes and sizes! No experience needed and everyone including families welcome.
“Drum Circles are not about teaching rhythms, they are about bringing community together through rhythm, making up your own unique sound as a group and learning to listen and play with each other collaboratively. Through trained facilitation you will be guided by signals to shape and sculpt the rhythm you weave. Drumming has many health benefits and there has been lots of research papers written on the positive effects drumming in a group can bring.
The drum circle will be run by Tanya Sherriff an experienced and engaging facilitator with a wealth of experience and a charismatic personality.
Weekly drumming and percussion sessions for adults
Frome has a friendly weekly drumming session for adults only which has been running for a few years.
“Drumming is great way to make you feel happier, meet people, and has positive effects on health and well-being,” says Tanya. “Learn some African poly rhythms (2 different rhythms that link together) and Djembe technique so you feel confident around a drum. Create an ‘in the moment sound scape’ using drum circle methods and feeling into what you want to add to the groove. We do a bit of singing, some laughing, and you will feel energised and joyful at the end.
“This session is for all abilities, and levels from beginners to experienced and is fully inclusive whatever your needs may be. No experience needed. Cost is £7 a session (concessions available) termly. Limited places left.
Weekly drumming and percussion sessions for children
If you child is between 6 and 11 years and would enjoy playing fun rhythm games, learn to play a djembe and the technique needed to play African rhythms, make up up their own rhythms, create interactive group stories with music and have fun being part of a group.
Educationally the children learn skills like how to listen, learning to lead and follow, how polly rhythms are formed, different time signatures, How to increase their emotional self-regulation and most importantly to have fun in a group.
The cost of the session is £5 per session per child and will be open to all. (payable in half terms)
For more info on any of the sessions please contact Tanya email: drumitupsomerset@gmail.com or phone: 07941248621 Fb drum it up Somerset