Pigeons nesting in the railway bridge on Rodden Road is still issue for local residents, but not enough people are complaining to the council for further action to be taken.
The railway bridge on Rodden Road is owned by Network Rail, and the issue has been raised of the mess that the pigeons create under the bridge.
Adam Boyden, local councillor and resident has campaigned in the past about the problem but to no avail. He said, “I had to step back in the end, I just wasn’t getting anywhere. But it is a problem and people need to speak up and voice their concerns. The council needs evidence so if residents don’t complain, then things won’t change.”
One local resident who would prefer to remain anonymous told Frome Times, “It is absolutely horrendous under the bridge. It’s filthy dirty and probably disease ridden, something needs to be done.
“It’s a genuine health hazard with pigeon poo and dead pigeons everywhere. Everyone I’ve spoken to are disgusted by it. We have to walk onto the road to avoid things falling on us, children going to school, mums and dads with pushchairs, it’s not safe.
“Apparently Network Rail have said it’s too much maintenance so why isn’t the council doing anything about it? I feel as though no one really cares and anything we say falls on deaf ears.”
An environment officer at Mendip District Council agrees with Adam Boyden, saying, “We have been working with Network Rail and they are currently trialling a gel that hopefully will help.
“But if people don’t file a formal complaint to tell us that the pigeons are a nuisance, then we have no evidence.
“The public must show that they’re inconvenienced by the pigeons, for example, they can’t walk under the bridge safely because they have to walk on the road.
“Unless people get in touch, the problem is quite far down on our list of priorities.”
Both Mendip District Council and Network Rail acknowledge the problem and have put certain measures in place to resolve the issue.
Network Rail say they have not had any further complaints since putting the ‘get off’ gel on the bridge. Mendip District Council say if they receive complaints from the public, they will once again raise the issue with Network Rail.