A Christmas Craft Market will be held at Cranmore Village Hall on Saturday 29th November, starting at 10.00am, with lots of craft stalls raising money for Eady’s Journey.
Set up in 2013, Eady’s Journey is a registered charity that offers small grants to disabled children in Somerset. These grants can be used towards therapy or equipment that can often help make life easier for both the children and their families. Things like adapted seating, standing frames, private therapies and sensory equipment.
Eady is a three year old little girl who suffers from Rett Syndrome, a disorder affecting mobility, communication and hand use. Eady requires constant therapy and input to help her reach her full potential. To read more about Eady, her journey and the charity visit the Facebook page ‘Eady’s Journey’ or visit the website eadys journey.co.uk.
There will also be lots of fun things for both children and adults to do and the usual tea, cakes, raffle, etc.
The Strode Arms, Cranmore, just down the road from the village hall will be open for lunch, donating £1 a person for each meal bought on that day.
Also on Saturday 22nd November there will be a knitted goods stall at the Cheese and Grain, with all proceeds going to Eady’s Journey.