LAST month’s Emergence Festival held at the Silk Mill has been hailed a great success.
The one-day event showcased a number of artists from all disciplines including music, photography, sculpture and theatre.
The festival’s creative director, Heather Truesdall says, “The Emergence Festival was a beautiful and full-hearted celebration of mothers in the arts and the creative in us all at the Silk Mill.
“From exquisite visual art on the walls (Samantha Pace, Naomi Wood, Louise Boulter, Sophie Mason, Nienke Van Wijk), audio installations (Sarah Phillips and Stephanie Wehowski) to interactive murals (Tem Gunawardena), music and art workshops and stunning performances, the day was one to remember!
“The daytime highlights for us were dancing to Mojo Moves’ musical bingo, performances from Three Corners and Boudicca’s child, as well as Briony Clark and Amy Bisazza, a rousing Groove Tots, watching the cellists and Buzzing Bees play their original songs, and eating tasty vegan delights from Katy’s Kitchen, drinking deliciously warming mulled cider while pe- rusing beautiful things on the ‘MotherMaker’ stall.
“The evening began outside round a fire with a beautiful grounding ceremony honouring the land and our ancestors with Fiona Willis, after which we entered the Silk Mill singing together. There was gorgeous music from Heather Truesdall, Rosanna Shura and Zoe Palmer, followed by a delightful set by Cate Gray. It was a glorious celebration and we can’t wait for the next one!”
Photos by Amy Kolarides.