Frome netball club’s first and second teams notched up victories by winning their games.
Frome Stars 41, TNC1 22. Stars came back fighting after a loss last week, they picked up their play and worked well as a team. Players S.Cox and Smith returned from injury and centre court flowed well. Garton had a great match playing defence for the first half and switching into shooting for the second half to increase the goal difference; this earned her player of the match. Pleasants also performed well in centre court playing WD, gaining interceptions for the team and keeping the game at a steady pace, earning her players’ player. Overall great play from the whole team.
Frome Diamonds 40, Pewsey Black 22. Diamonds were ready for a tough game and played well as a team to earn them another win. Swift movements in centre court from Baker, Guy and Boorman allowed time for the shooters to find the right positions and convert effortlessly to goals, this earned Maunder player of the match and Baker players’ player. The team effort was also backed up by great marking in defence from Alexander and Chapman, putting pressure on Pewsey Shooters. Although the last quarter saw Diamonds miss a lot of chances for goals, they still walked away with a good win.