Local author, Sophie Bloodworth, has released her first book titled ‘Please Don’t Hire Me, I’m Scared!’ and features the highs and lows of job hunting.
Sophie said, “The book is a satirical look at the job market. It’s definitely not a self-help book, but more of a ‘what not to do’ guide to looking and applying for jobs through my personal experiences, and how I became obsessed with finding the ‘perfect role’.
“After my dream job came to an end, I found it really difficult to find another job which made me as happy as that one did, and the continual job-hunting process became ingrained in my life. I just had this overwhelming desire to write down some of the fears and frustrations I experienced with job-hunting and then had the idea to develop this into a book.
“I don’t think being published has really sunk in yet to be honest, but it’s a great feeling knowing I have been working on something for the last few years and it has finally come to fruition.
“I published my book through SilverWood Books, who are a self-publishing company based in Bristol and it can be bought direct from their website: http://www.silverwoodbooks .co.uk/product/9781781326800/ please-dont-hire-me-im-scared on Amazon or on iTunes.
“This book releases frustrations, disappointment and joyous feelings which can be experienced by anyone who finds themselves a new or long-term member of the job-hunting industry. It does this through sharing personal mistakes with one or two triumphs – there have been fewer of the latter, so if you want a funny read about such an epic job blunderer, then this is for you!”